The last date for registrations has been extended until the 30th of November!


Awards Poster WORKSHOP and DIY
A short sustainability workshop for students aged 10 to 14 at select schools. This workshop will focus on important environmental concepts while engaging students in fun and creative activities.
During the workshop, students will learn about sustainability, the impact of waste on our environment, and the importance of resourcefulness. They’ll engage in hands-on activities, allowing them to apply what they’ve learned in a creative way.


Awards Poster PITCH
One of the core tenets of Winter Tales has been sustainability. It is a topic that is revisited every year when the event is held. Sustainability is practiced in all aspects of the event from its production to the implementation.
As part of our Pre-event initiatives we will be hosting a Pitch Contest for interested college students to pitch their ideas, mission statements, etc for the creation of a Sustainability Cell in their college. The Sustainability Cell would function as a group or club where students engage in sustainable activities within the college itself. The club can be an entirely new entity in the college or an extension of an existing club, whichever is easiest.
The Pitch would entail a five minute presentation on how their college can incorporate a Sustainability Cell and why they should have one. Winners of The Pitch will be awarded a fund to start the Sustainability Cell in their college.
Apart from this college students will also get an opportunity to work with Dakti Craft. They will also be closely involved in the upcoming Winter Tale Event that is to follow. Participants from the college will be supported by Dakti Craft after the creation of the Sustainability Cell with internship opportunities at the company as well volunteer opportunities at future Winter Tales events.

Art Award

Awards Poster ART
Art can be much more than just a medium of creative expression. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that communicates ideas, acts as therapeutic relief, a conduit for self-expression, a way to chronicle history, embody societal values, and comment on political or social events.
Winter Tales as an event wants to platform these ideals in the local artists of the state. To encourage this, Winter Tales is introducing a call for submissions for artwork to be judged by a panel of experts

Writing AWARD

Awards Poster WRITING
The pen is mightier than the sword is an adage that has held true throughout history. Many causes were first brought up and propagated through the words written on paper. Writing hence becomes a form of activism and social resilience.
Winter Tales also stands on very relevant issues of sustainability and other social goals. The event works around a theme every year and this year’s theme is Balance, balance in the everyday and balance in a much wider aspect. To encourage the cause of writing for social change Winter Tales is calling for submissions on pieces of writing on the theme balance judged by a panel of experts.


Awards Poster PSA VIDEO
Films and short videos have the power to inspire social change. In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary society, the power of narratives, as propagated through various mediums, has never been more apparent and what better way to get messages across if not through short form content like Public Service Announcement (PSA) Videos! The primary purpose of Public Service Announcements is to support and improve the community by raising awareness of specific issues that impact that community. For Winter Tales we are inviting call for submissions for PSA videos on the pertinent issue of balancing sustainability in the modern world to be judged by a panel of experts


Awards Poster Photography
Photographs capture a moment in time. Photography as a medium has the capability to freeze movement in time, to capture actions and interactions in a split second, through the eye of the photographer. Winter Tales invites submissions for photography to be judged by a panel of experts.


Installation art is a visual artwork that can be constructed from a variety of materials and can be created in a variety of locations. Depending on the number of objects and the nature of the display, installation spaces can range from cluttered to minimal. Winter Tales is calling for concept submissions of installation art to be judged by a panel of experts.


Cosplay is so much more than donning the costume of a fictional character. It is a form of self expression that provides an outlet for creativity, a community of people who enjoy the same things and a way to tap into pop-culture. For Winter Tales 2024 we are calling for submissions from cosplayers across the state to present their best self in a unique cosplay that is in accordance with the theme of the event i.e. tapping into the traditional and cultural roots of the people of Meghalaya. Cosplayers can come dressed up as their favourite folktales or variations of folktales.
The Cosplay submissions will be judged by a panel of experts.


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